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Ollie is nine: the birthday blog

A photo from each of the past twelve months.

You are happily sleeping after a first big day of being a nine year old.  In what is a tradition around here, I want to share some of the things that I will always remember about you at this age.

- you still eat like a caveman.  I am constantly telling you that ice-cream/lasagne/custard is not a finger food
- you can be quite the little worrier.  You ask me every single day if I will pick you up from the exact same spot.  I do.  Every, single time.  But still you fret.
- you love Harry Potter even more than last year.  I thought once you'd read all the books it might fade.  It hasn't.  A muggle like me can't possibly understand.
- You struggle to tell a lie without cracking a smile.  You even cover your mouth when you are trying to convince me you are telling the truth.  A classic giveaway.
- You are just the right height that I can put my arms around your shoulders and cuddle you while we walk beside each other.
- You went off raw salmon sashimi for about a fortnight but it's back on the favourites list.  A few new additions like lettuce but the real change is the quantities.  I may not be able to afford to feed you when you become a teenager.
- you don't swear in front of me but I know you do swear.  Once I heard you declare in front of a friend who was at our house that you were "off to have a piss"!
- you have a terrifying angry face.  It is the dirtiest scowl I've ever seen and it totally looks like you've got steam coming out of your ears.
- you are so incredibly kind to small children, apart from you own little sister.  You even asked me if you could have a baby brother for Christmas.  I told you in no uncertain terms that you would most definitely not be getting one.
- you joined a footy team this year and absolutely loved it. To be fair, you spent most of the time on the field giving each other piggy backs and massages but you thought it was pretty awesome to get a shiny trophy.
- you absolutely smashed NAPLAN.  I know it doesn't count and standardised testing and blah blah blah, but I was crazy proud that you scored in those tiny little triangles on the very top of the chart.
- you have a love/hate relationship with Nippers.  You absolutely hate going each week and whinge about it but when you've ridden an awesome wave in on your board, you are absolutely over the moon.
- you still hold my hand at school and give me a big smoochy kiss when we say goodbye.  I love it.
- you've told me that you want to live with me forever.  I've suggested you just get a big house and build me a granny flat but no, you think it would be easier if you just kept living with us.

Nine years ago today, you made me into a mother.  My world was completely tipped on it's end and I probably haven't really relaxed since then.  But for all the sleepless nights, worry and angst, you have brought me the most incredible joy.  Your beautiful big smile makes my heart get that warm, skipping feeling, the sound of your laughter can instantly cheer my darkest mood and your "almost too cool but quietly loving a good snuggle" cuddles remind me that you will always be my baby.

I couldn't be more proud of the person you are becoming and I can't wait to see what you do as you grow up.  But let's not rush it away.  Let's have a few more years where I can sit you on my lap and rock you like the little baby you once were.  Let me keep brushing your messy hair out of your sleepy face in the mornings and gently kissing your cheek and telling you I love you as you sleep at night.

My beautiful baby boy.


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