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Showing posts from January, 2019

Ollie is 10: the birthday blog

I'm just going to casually mention that when midnight hits tonight I will have been a mother for the past decade.  Um, a decade?! Like TEN WHOLE YEARS??? How can that even be possible?  While I wrap my head around that crazy concept, let me tell you a few of the things that I will remember about my sweet little Ollie as he turns ten (for the tenth time, as it is a tradition around here!). Books are still his first love.  He usually leaves the local library with no less than fifteen books which might last him a week at most.  He has also discovered the 'Graphic Novel' section which means he comes home with some pretty cool comics.  Occasionally he will stumble across one he shouldn't, like "Deadpool".  That one got returned pretty quickly! He reads at a 16+ year old level.  I'm not going to lie, he probably knows words that I don't even know and I'm not that dopey.  This kid is going places.  I'm just trying to make sure those p

Nearly 120 months old!

In just two sleeps our sweet little boy will be 10!  Here are some recent snaps of his gorgeous (and sometimes scowling) face.