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Showing posts from January, 2020

Ollie is 11: The birthday blog

Another year has flown by and somehow you are eleven.  Your life has now spanned across three different decades.  Crazy.  So let me tell you some of the things that I will remember about you at this age. -         You love reheated food for breakfast – pizza, sausages, any kind of leftovers.  We call it your University breakfast. -         You played your third season of AFL.  This year you faced the challenge of moving up to a full sized field but still had the best time playing along with your mates. -         You have started to read Stephen King books.  You’ve been asking for years but finally we relented and eased you in with some more tame ones.  You are onto your third one now and somehow we’ve only had one nightmare so far. -         You wear the same size clothes as me.  A size 10 shirt in our house could end up in anyone’s washing pile and I have found you wearing my t-shirts around without even knowing it. -         You received an academic medal for the s