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Showing posts from July, 2020

Eve is 9: the birthday blog

Um, nine? Like twelve months until you hit double digits?? Are you serious? It feels literally like five minutes ago that you were the tiny little girl who completed our little family.  The one I had always dreamed of. To make sure I always remember you at this wonderful age, here are some of the things about you that are special: - you deconstruct your food.  I've never seen anyone pull apart a sandwich or burger the way you do and eat all of the components individually.   - you like to torture (or play with) small animals. We jokingly asked you if we would find a collection of dead geckos in your room.  To which you replied "I got rid of them".  You are either going to be a vet or a serial killer. - you are the stroppiest person I know.  Stubborn doesn't even come close to describe it.  You stomp your foot down like it is your super power.  But each and every time it just makes me laugh.  - you love your new puppy Taco so much.  You weren't as