In the last week Ollie and I have had a number of exciting excursions.
On Saturday I had an Ollie-free excursion of an hour and a half massage while Nick looked after our little man. It was the perfect escape for me and I thoroughly enjoyed lounging around in the private spa and sauna afterwards. But I was happy when Nick came to pick me up - even though I was greeted by the sound of his screams from within the car (Ollie's, not Nick's).
On Monday we went to our first week of Mother's group at the local child health clinic. There were about 10 mums and their babies who are all about the same age as Ollie. It was great to meet some other first time mums who live nearby. Hopefully a few of us will keep in touch after the four weeks are up. Of course, Ollie was the first baby to crack up during the class. Obviously those things aren't a drama in that kind of setting but I did spend a lot of the time standing up rocking him while trying to listen. Luckily there was another little boy, William, who put Ollie to shame in the tantrum chucking stakes.
On Wednesday Ollie and I were feeling very adventurous so we went to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic" at the cinema. They have Babes in Arms screenings of certain movies each Wednesday morning where mothers can come along and not have to worry about their babies screaming. Ollie and I stretched out along a couple of seats with him in his sling. I was interested to see whether he took after me at the movies (usually sleeping through entire films) but he showed more of his father's traits and thoroughly enjoyed watching most of it - even if it was a total chick-flick.
Today we headed into town to have coffee with one of my friends from work. Everyone at work was impressed by how much Ollie has grown in just a few weeks. We then went to Nick's work to show him off for the first time. He was very popular with the ladies and there were lots of offers to look after him. Nick was proud as punch, carrying him around the office. It was very special.
For the rest of the week we have parent's group at Alan's house followed by two lunch dates on the weekend. Life is definitely filled with lots of fun activities at the moment.
I've include a pic of Ollie's flat head so you can see that I'm not imagining it. I've been googling this issue way too much this week and at one point was worried that Ollie would be wearing a special helmet for 23 hours a day for 6-12 months (which is one treatment for this problem). As a more moderate approach, we have put a small rolled up towel under his mattress on the problem side to encourage him to lay the other way. Despite this, everytime I go to check on him he has his head facing the wrong way.
Looking back through all of the photos of him, it is obvious that he has been favouring this side most of the last ten weeks (yes we hit double figures tomorrow!!). It is thought that babies with this problem were probably in that position in the womb. It is really quite common these days with babies sleeping on their backs because of the SIDS risk. While his hair will ultimately cover any flat spot, the concern is that his neck muscles get too tense in one direction and also the skull plates can cause disfigurement - but obviously this is a way worst case scenario and nothing to be concerned about.
Hopefully in a few weeks time it will all be a little more rounded on the back of his head. In the meantime enjoy the pics of him having some tummy time - as you can see he was actually really enjoying it, hence the massive smile.
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