Over the past week we have noticed that Ollie is becoming less of a floppy newborn and more of a chubby little baby, although his head is still fairly floppy.
As he is now 6+ kilos, he is starting to outgrow his baby capsule for the car and we needed to start thinking about getting him a convertible car seat. After taking on board the advice of friends with babies and a lot of googling, we decided on the Safe n Sound Meridian seat. At $500+ it is certainly not cheap but with a reputation as the safest converttible seat in Australia we couldn't say no. We settled on a nice grey colour to match the upholstery in our car, but concede that once it gets a few bananas mashed into it and is spewed on a few times, it mightn't look so fresh. It has all the bells and whistles like a canopy to protect him from the sun and a nice little pocket for Ollie to keep his crucial driving accessories, like a copy of FHM magazine (for Uncle Guy) and a hipflask of cognac. The only thing it doesn't have is speakers in the headrests for his iPod. Believe it or not, the next model up does come with this feature. Crazy.
We took a few photos of Olliebear checking out his new seat. As you can see it is pretty flash and he seems pretty happy with our choice.
At the moment he is really loving sitting up like a big boy and that probably accounts for the great big smiles he was giving us.
On Saturday Ollie experienced his first election. He went with us to vote at St Joseph's school but did not show any real interest in the process - as you can see from the picture we took. Oh well, he has 18 years ahead of him before he has to vote.
For anyone who is interested in how Ollie is sleeping at the moment, we have settled quite nicely into a quasi-routine. He has his dinner around 6pm and once that is done we put him down in his cot to sleep. Sometimes this is all that is needed, however many nights involve a real struggle with him fighting sleep for the best part of an hour. Tonight we had to set a number of minutes to allow him to cry and thankfully, within that period of time he fell asleep.
Once he is asleep he stays in his cot until about 6am, with a feed at 10ish, 1am and 4am. I think he might get a job for a watchmaker as his ability to wake up between 1.02am and 1.06am is uncanny. Thankfully once he has been fed he usually puts himself straight back to sleep.
The other night I found myself sick of getting up every three hours for the last 10 weeks but as he rapidly approaches the magic 3 month mark that everyone keeps telling us about, I am crossing my fingers that one of the nightly feeds might go by the wayside soon. But I certainly don't kid myself that he will be sleeping through the night anytime soon!
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