Ollie and I went to visit the physio yesterday to check how the progress of his wonky head and neck was going. We had spent the past two weeks doing lots of tummy time and making him look in the correct direction so that the physio didn't think I was a neglectful mother and fortunately it paid off. Even I was impressed with Ollie's performance - he totally pulled out all the stops, looking around the room while laying on his tummy as if it were his favourite thing to do (it isn't!). Thankfully this impressed the physio as well and now we don't need to go back anymore. I took some pics of his slightly more rounded head so you can all check it out. The funny thing is that in getting more rounded, the back of his head has actually gotten a bit lumpier looking. But it will just keep on getting better. And if it still looks a bit flat when he is older, he can just wear a hat.
As Ollie is now three months old I thought we should go and get his measurements taken by the local nurse. So today he officially weighed in at 6.88kg (15lb 3 oz) with a length of 65 cm. That puts him in the 80th percentile for weight and the 95th for height. We are waiting for phone calls from Amercian basketball team scouts.
In other developmental milestones, this week has been a doozy. You will recall that recently Ollie discovered his hands and that they taste delicious when one or both are jammed into his mouth. Well as an extension to that, he has now worked out that he can use those hands to pick up objects and then, you guessed it, jam those into his mouth. I've included some pics of the discovery taking place. In one afternoon he picked up the rattle (which looks like some freaky baby weightlifting device) and shoved that in his mouth - although he did hit himself in the face with it a few times first. He then took a crack at the wooden toy and really impressed me by using his second hand as well to help steer it toward his mouth. On the same afternoon he also got pretty vigorous on the activity mat with the swatting at his toys. He has a really good aim now with his hands and feet and it is amazing to watch him move stuff around deliberately.
As for sleep, he continues to impress me. This week has been amazing. Lately he is going down to sleep around 6pm-ish (with grumbling for a good hour until 7ish) then waking for one feed and then sleeping till 6-7am. The feed in the middle ranges from 11pm to 4am but so long as it is only one feed a night I don't really care when it happens. I think it might be because when he does wake in the night now he just shoves his fists in his mouth. You often hear him slurping away even from our room.
The strange thing is that the more sleep I am getting (like 6 hour stretches!!!) the more tired I find myself. We are both having naps in the middle of the day now, something I didn't find necessary when I was getting up every three hours throughout the night. Weird. Perhaps I'm just settling into this nice little lifestyle.
Stay tuned for Olliebear's first easter ...
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