Over the last few days Ollie has been making good use of his mouth.
I mentioned the other day that Ollie was desparately trying to get his foot into his mouth. Well, with a bit of assistance from me he is now able to jam his foot right in. I've uploaded a video of one of his earlier attempts. You can see that I am a bit of a stage mum, giving him a bit of a hand at first, but once he figures it out there is no stopping him - and it appears that it is quite delicious. Since this development, Nick and I are taking extra special care to wash his feet!
Another mouth issue - and this one is HUGE - Ollie has started solids. Well mushies is more appropriate really.
I did originally want to wait until Ollie was 6 months before we moved onto food but lately he has been exhibiting all of the signs of a baby who was ready to start solids. He has been showing an extremely keen interest in anything that Nick and I are eating or drinking (especially Nick's beer), shoving absolutely everything into his mouth and he has been wanting to feed more and more during the day lately. So I got over my selfish desire to be solely responsible for all the chubby little fat rolls on his body and we set today as the date to try it out.
You can see for yourselves how it went down on the video. There were a few videos taken but this is the very first spoonful. You can hear Nick taking stacks of piccies in the background. It doesn't look like he is too keen on it and it looks like none of it made it into his belly but he actually did really well. He managed to eat about two teaspoons of baby cereal and almost all of it was swallowed. As we went along he got much better at not pushing it straight out with his tongue. It also wasn't anywhere near as messy as I thought it would be, but I suspect we have many messy occasions ahead of us - thanks to Aunty Alicia who has helpfully suggested that I co-ordinate my outfits with what Ollie is eating e.g. mushed peas = a nice green camisole.
The plan now is to continue having one meal a day for the next week before upping that to two meals. Then we will start introducing some variety with mushed up veges and fruits. Stay tuned for some messy shots to come.
Two more things Ollie is doing with that little mouth of his is talking and eating my hair. The talking increases everyday. I think he is quite the chatterbox and has a great variety of different sounds he can make now - often at significant volume. I was awake before him this morning and lay in bed listening to him wake up and start yabbering away to himself. I'm not sure what it was that he was saying but he certainly had a lot to say.
As for the eating of my hair, I'm not such a fan of this. He grabs big handfuls of my hair and yanks it toward his mouth. If he manages to get it in, I end up with chunks of slobbered on hair. Quite lovely really. This is in addition to the pain of him pulling it. I'm hoping it is just a phase but until then I might start to tie my hair back a bit more often.
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