The latest excitement in our household has been Ollie's core strength. He has been capable of rolling from front to back for quite some time and this has been displayed everytime I put him on his tummy (instead of staying on it and learning how to lift himself up, crawl etc). However his ability to roll from back to front has been much like bigfoot - we've suspected it existed however have never had any scientific evidence. Quite a while ago he started to roll onto his side but because we were desparately trying to keep him off the back of his head, I probably stifled this instinct. It is only in recent weeks that he has revisited this trick - lured by well placed toys and other goodies. This week it all crystallised with him making me a very happy mummy indeed when he started to sleep on his side. Despite freaking me out a little bit, I'm thrilled with this as it means when his helmet comes off soon he won't go back to sleep in exactly the same position and theref...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.