Ollie is almost 7 months old and has been eating solid food for 2 months now so it should come as no surprise that he has been putting on a bit of weight lately. But it does seem as if overnight he has just become this solid little (or not so little) unit.
It first really became apparent when Nick and I were looking at some videos of Ollie taken not that long ago. He just looked like such a skinny minny compared to now. Then I noticed that he was favouring the skin tight look in all his clothes - we are wearing lots of size 0s now. To top it all off I took him to get weighed at the local clinic today and that confirmed it.
Even before we weighed him, the nurse was commenting on what a big boy he was for his age - both for his height and his weight. Then when I nuded him up for the scales I noticed just how chunky his thunder thighs had become - he looks like a teeny version of a really obese man. But a very cute version.
Last time we got weighed at the beginning of July he was 8.4 kg. I kind of had it in my head that he might be getting close to 9kg. Well, he exceeded that - he now tips the scales at 9.38 kg!!!!
The nurses were making lots of jokes about how he was going to start training with the Broncos soon (to lift them out of this current slump) and I was realising why I'm getting good biceps and a sore back lately.
Don't think I'm hassling Ollie about his weight. I love that he is turning into a chubby bubby. It is the one time of your life that it is okay to be a bit of a tubber. But I'm sure he will burn it off soon when he starts tearing around the joint.
The last two photos show some fun out on our newly painted deck. Nick and Ollie had a lovely little picnic out there on Saturday morning in the sunshine playing "cups" (Ollie's favourite game at the moment - lots of knocking things over, banging things and shoving them in his mouth). And last night Nick hung the new swing we bought for Ollie, which he thought was awesome. He sat there smiling and giggling as we pushed him in it. We took a video of it which I will upload - but of course the giggles weren't as impressive when the video was of. But take our words for it, very cute indeed.
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