We've had a big week at Camp Ollie. We had Nick with us for the first few days, then we got a fresh batch of visitors with Nanna Freddy and Aunty Alicia both coming to town.
Aunty Alicia hadn't seen Ollie since February so she was very impressed with what a big boy he has become. We spent some quality time at Camp Ollie lazing around playing cups and Ollie especially enjoyed having Aunty Alicia read his new book to him that Nanna Freddy had bought him on our shopping expedition (while I filed his nails - to protect him from scratching himself, not because I'm encouraging him toward a life on Broadway).
There have been two exciting and entertaining developments this week. Firstly, Ollie has displayed a real interest in Moroccan food. I was feeding him chicken with sweet corn and cous cous when I started to make up a little song about the cous cous that was all over his face. This is when he made it known that he thinks the word cous cous is really hilarious. All week he has been smiling and giggling to anyone who says cous cous. Simple but effective.
The other new trick (and this one is probably my favourite since smiling and giggling came along) is clapping!! I read in a baby book recently that if a baby had been shown how to clap then they would probably start clapping now. Unfortunately I hadn't shown Ollie how to clap and I didn't want to ruin his chances of ever attending a football match or concert so I thought it important to equip him with this skill. I've been showing him for the past few weeks and suddenly on Friday he got it. He just sits there and happily claps away to himself with a big smile on his face. I'll try to get some video footage of it and upload it.
Since we are spending so much time at Camp Ollie (clapping and singing about cous cous) we now have another addition to our leisure activities - a shell pool with plastic balls in it. Ollie was most impressed with this and took great delight in kicking around the balls. Perhaps next week I might show him how to chuck the balls at Gus the kitty!
Yet another of our activities for the week was baby group. For the first time in a couple of months we had an almost full complement (well one mum has gone back to work full time already). We thought it was a great opportunity to document how big our babies are growing. Not surprisingly they are all getting huge. Thankfully, for once Ollie hadn't spewed on himself just before the photo was taken.
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