Sorry for the delay in posting this. We have been experiencing some blogger related tech issues.
Last week was Ollie and my big trip to Cloncurry to visit Nanna Freddy and Poppy Mick. Last post I mentioned that I was nervous about the flight. Well I really shouldn't have been as Ollie is a brilliant flier. On both trips he fell asleep on take off and stayed sprawled out across my lap until halfway through my meal. I think the key is lots of toys in his backpack on high rotation. But it also helps that he is a real stickybeak at the moment, checking out all the other passengers and waving to the hosties.
Last week was Ollie and my big trip to Cloncurry to visit Nanna Freddy and Poppy Mick. Last post I mentioned that I was nervous about the flight. Well I really shouldn't have been as Ollie is a brilliant flier. On both trips he fell asleep on take off and stayed sprawled out across my lap until halfway through my meal. I think the key is lots of toys in his backpack on high rotation. But it also helps that he is a real stickybeak at the moment, checking out all the other passengers and waving to the hosties.
Our time up in Cloncurry was lovely (but VERY hot) with nanna and poppy as well as Ollie's three little "uncles" - our little friends up there who have worked out that Ollie is their nephew. They were very generous and shared lots of their big boy toys with Ollie which he thought was awesome. Check him out on their little trike. I think he has a streak of Evil Knevil going on there.
There was lots of spoiling by nanna who had set up a special room for Ollie and I complete with a cot and new toys to play with. This definitely helped Ollie to settle in and he had great naps each day for a few hours. It was better than at home.
We missed a lot of our regular activities so took delight in small things like going and sitting out on the lawn and watching the galahs and other birds flying around. At first Ollie was not a fan of grass, trying to keep his legs up in the air to avoid touching the stuff. But he warmed to it pretty quickly and before you know it he was stuffing his mouth with it.
Another activity was visiting poppy Mick at the saleyards one day when they were dipping and loading cattle. Ollie wore his country outfit of jeans, checked shirt and boots and was fascinated by the cows. Maybe when he gets a little bit bigger he can help out??
The only bad part about our trip was being away from Nick. He missed us terribly and was very excited to pick us up from the airport. Ollie was possibly the happiest I have ever seen him with legs swinging wildly and massive smiles.
There is definitely no place like home but it was a lovely trip and Ollie's good behaviour makes me wonder whether we should be taking a few long haul trips next year before he turns 2 and we have to start buying him a plane ticket.
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