What a week it has been. There have been three significant big boy milestones.
The first two involve the evolution of some of Ollie's baby items. We finally turned his car seat to face the front, which he just loved. He spent the entire first drive just giggling at everything that he could now see. I think his favourite thing (as well as mine) is that he can now see me when I am driving.
The second milestone was that we lowered the level on his cot. This came about after I found him sitting up in his cot the other morning. He hasn't yet pulled himself up on the bars but you can see that it won't be long until I go in and find him standing up in his cot waiting for me in the morning (probably chewing the rail).
The third event is HUGE! After almost ten months of limited mobility, Ollie finally figured out forward propulsion. We were playing with a ball when he suddenly started using his arms to drag himself forward. Since then he has been getting around the house with a moderate degree of speed. Gus the cat has eyed this off warily but seems to be coping with Ollie's newfound mobility. At one point today Ollie was laying across the doorway to the kitchen when Gus scooted straight past him. I was just getting over the shock of this close encounter when Gus decided to exit the kitchen - this time jumping straight over the top of Ollie!
Ollie continues to pull himself up on furniture so I took some advice and hired a great toy from the local toy library that is a "garden". The picket fence is the perfect height for pulling himself up on but his favourite part is the mailbox complete with three plastic items of mail. Nick thinks that they must all be bills though as Ollie throws them straight onto the ground after he pulls them out. My theory is that he is just checking whether his monthly subscription to FHM has arrived.
The good old Olliebear suit got another workout this week with Halloween. Our street is big on trick or treating for all the kids and by 6pm the street was flooded with witches, ghosts and other scary creatures all hyped up on way too much sugar. We took Ollie to a few houses along with our neighbours and his bear suit was deemed gorgeous by all who saw it. Of course Ollie was too young to savour the treats but he did chew on and squish a few chocolates in their packets.
Speaking of treats, he thoroughly enjoyed sharing my chocolate milkshake today. Check out his cute milk moustache! All that calcium will be good for his new teeth, which you can see on his bottom gum in the close up picture.
I've also included the pic of Ollie and I taken this afternoon as Nick pointed out the similarities in our eye colour (not entirely surprising as I am his mother). I think our matching orange outfits are also quite fetching.
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