One of the many lovely books we have is "Where is the green sheep?” by Mem Fox (thanks Audrey).
We’ve been reading it for a while but suddenly it has clicked for Ollie bear and he is just addicted to it. He can’t get enough of it and I am finding myself reading it to him like a thousand times a day.
His absolute favourite page is “here is the near sheep” with the drawing of the sheep really close – well this brings about fits of his beavis and butthead laughter followed by lots of kisses from Ollie to the sheep on the page. It is absolutely priceless.
This lovely tenderness is becoming evident in more of our everyday activities. This afternoon as we did our usual afternoon activity of hanging out on the daybed watching life go by (“car” & “bus”), Ollie rested his little head on my chest a number of times and just chilled there for a while. I’m a huge fan of this. He is such a placid baby but even so, it is nice to get these quiet moments of snuggling time.
As Nick starts holidays tonight, it is officially the end of my year off at home with Ollie. I’m a little saddened by this, especially after leaving him for an hour today at childcare at the gym. Apparently he cried most of the time while I was spinning it out. I’ve got to up our efforts at getting him ready for daycare and am planning to take him for an hour a day over the next week or so to get him used to it. But in the short term I’m trying to find us a nanny…
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