Christmas came early this week. Ollie and I hit the shops two days in a row in an effort to get some present shopping done - on Friday with Nanna Carmel and the following day with Nanna Freddy. Despite trekking around the shops on both days I am no closer to finishing my shopping but Ollie had a great time with his Nannas and is already very spoiled.
Saturday was Ollie's first visit to Santa. It is one hour of my life and $42.50 (seriously!) that I won't be getting back, but it was truly worth the experience. It didn't help that Nick and I might have had just a few too many vinos the night before and the constant sound of the Santa express train along with the toy whistles that were handed out to visitors to Santa (I mean really, who gives kids toys like that??) was just a little too much to bear. But unlike his parents, Ollie was on his best behaviour and sat quite happily with Santa. He didn't exactly grin from ear to ear (see attached pic) but I think I would prefer him to be a little cautious about grey haired strangers who want him to sit on their lap and have photos taken with him.
Keeping with the Christmas vibe, we had an early Christmas here today with Nanna Freddy and Poppy Mick as well as Aunties Zoe, Peta, Deon and cousin Jackson. Ollie thoroughly enjoyed ripping presents open, but I suspect that he will be confused tomorrow when I don't let him rip up the magazines or papers. He received lovely gifts including a beautiful wooden table and chairs, some clothes, books and a DVD (first Wiggles!) but I think his favourite gift was his very own version of the trike he tried out up in Cloncurry. Don't you think he has his Evil Kneavil grin on all over again?
Other exciting things this week are Ollie's pointing and his talking. He is going through a stage of pointing at everything and just having a little jibber-jabber about it. I'm sure he makes perfect sense to him but to me it just sounds like nonsense. Sometimes he really gets quite a stream of sounds out and sounds a bit like a little race caller. I am able to discern some words that get used for certain things - like "dursh" which appears to relate to cats or dogs etc. He is also saying "yes" or similar which is hilarious as I am currently saying "no" to him a lot (no don't touch that power cord/pull my hair out/slap my face - sometimes I worry that I'm going to be one of those mothers on A Current Affair saying they get beaten up by their 6 year old sons).
But the best sound this week is what appears to be "daddy". Nick is downplaying this as he is either not convinced it is a word, or he just realises that as the person that has grown and nurtured Ollie, it is a bit lowsy to come out with "daddy" first. But I'm sure it is the word as he has said it a few times and when Nick is near him and there has even been pointing. We are just waiting to hear it a few more times before we claim it as a word.
In exciting news - I am awaiting delivery of my fancy pants new camera of my dreams, so expect an improvement in the quality of the images making their way onto the blog -no pressure now or anything.
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