Sorry for not blogging last week. On Sunday we took a quick dash to the medical centre with a screaming and very unwell Ollie. Upon arrival he had a 39.9 degree fever which we found out was due to not one, but two infected ears. He is a much happier boy this week after a good round of antibiotics, lots of paracetamol and even more cuddles from mum.
Check out the gorgeous Easter Bunny at Nanna Carmel’s place this afternoon. Thankfully the real Easter Bunny didn’t bring too much stuff to our place this year. Just one each for Nick and I and one for Ollie. Actually Ollie chose his himself at Coles as it was the one he grabbed and wouldn’t let go off – happily cuddling it for the rest of the shopping trip. I wasn’t really planning for Ollie to have too much of the egg but when the time came to give it to him he just hoed into it, as you can see. And it is true about kids and sugar, as he went quite hyper afterwards, tearing around the house like a little tornado.
In recent Ollie trends, he has started to become quite fixated on objects around the house. Quite often it is an empty baby bottle he likes to carry around the house, other times a (very heavy) dolphin torch. The latest one that Nick isn’t a huge fan of is my spangly silver handbag. He loves to put it on and wander around the house wearing it. I think I might have pushed Nick over the edge the day I let him accessorise it with a big chunky bracelet and a headband – but he looked pretty gorgeous!
Another new fixation is a little Golden Book we have called “Come back Zack” about a little boy who grows up and goes off to college. It has all Ollie’s fave animals in it (ducks, a cat and an elephant – it just needs a penguin and a panda) and he his forcing us to read it to him about a million times each day. Fortunately it isn’t too tedious and is completely worth it when he waves goodbye to Zack as he heads off to college. Too cute.
His love of books is certainly contributing to his ever expanding vocabulary. Nick and I are trying to think of them all but some that spring to mind are mumma, dadda, gus, ducks, cheese, shoes, car, bus. Add to this his latest trick of pointing out body parts (head, nose, tongue, toes, mouth and ears) and being able to make a sign for food when he is hungry, and he is definitely able to communicate what he wants a lot more these days.
Ollie and I had to go into my work the other day and he was a total hit. He was tearing up and down the long hallways and having a blast running in and out of people’s offices. I happily let him go nuts hoping it would mean a good sleep later in the day. While there he tried on one of my colleague’s wigs. Possibly not the best fit but he seemed quite comfortable wearing it, which is more than can be said of me sometimes.
In other news, a big special welcome to the world to Henry Francis Betzien Duffield who was born on 31 March to very happy parents Sam and Alan and proud big sister Audrey. He is so tiny and gorgeous. I just couldn’t believe that Ollie was ever this small. Ollie wasn’t terribly interested in him yet but I know that in the years to come they will get up to heaps of wonderful boy mischief together.
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