It is hard sometimes not to think your child is the most amazing being that has ever roamed the earth. I often sit there in wonderment looking at him with a big goofy smile plastered on my face.
I had one of those moments this week at the State library (where we go for nursery rhymes with some baby friends once a month). Ollie was wandering around holding hands with a little girl he had just met (seriously, such a ladies man) when she decided she wanted to join in with the Hokey Pokey. O got swept into the circle and joined his other hand with another little girl. He copied them in shaking his hands and legs and spinning around. Everyone thought it was so gorgeous, especially me. I had tears of laughter streaming down my face. He is just turning into such a wonderful, beautiful natured boy and I feel so privileged to have him in my life.
The title of this blog stems from our visit to a local kids clothing market over the weekend. Ollie saw this inflatable toy and just thought it was the best thing ever. Check him out enjoying it…
And check it out at home!!! This is Moose, our newest family member. He is very bouncy which Ollie thinks is fun and it gives my back a rest from him jumping all over me. When Ollie is playing with other toys, he also makes quite a nice footrest for me. And tonight he got lovely goodnight kisses from Ollie. Love.
The weather here has been a bit average, Friday especially. So it was lucky for us that some of our friends were going to the local park and we tagged along. Unfortunately the day was marred with a bit of an incident, with me momentarily turning my back on B, which was just enough time to get taken out by our little friend Sophie on the swing (twice, once going backwards and then again from the front!). B landed pretty hard but thanks to rubber play surfaces he walked away with a torn frenulum (the bit between your lip and your gums) and a little black eye. It didn’t stop him having lots more fun and eating some delicious chocolate muffins. This photo was taken afterwards with the culprit Sophie. He loves her SO much. Every time he sees her he showers her with kisses and cuddles.
And in another new object for B – our dear friends Cosmo and Kate went to Melbourne last weekend and found some cool shoes in the Converse store. They very kindly bought Ollie not one, but two pairs of awesome new shoes. This pair are crocodile shoes and O thinks they are great – he has decided they are “snap shoes” and keeps looking down at them when he is wearing them. The other pair are even cooler but are a bit too big for now so stay tuned once his feet get a bit bigger. He is so lucky to be loved and spoiled by good friends.
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