Well Christmas is officially behind us - the turkey and ham have been eaten, the frozen prawn shells have been picked up by the garbo and the Christmas tree is safely tucked away for another year.
We had a wonderful time, naturally when you have a little boy who has cottoned on to the general premise. Not the religious meaning, more like (in his own words) "Santa brings presents". But it was still a delight to see.
As Ollie is blessed with more sets of grandparents than the Brady Bunch we were limited to only seeing Nanna Freddy & Poppy and Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob over Christmas but we are looking forward to catching up with Pa & Nanna Kaye and Grandpa Peter really soon, as well as Aunty Alicia and Uncle Guy.
In an effort to keep Santa fuelled up for his massive trip we left out some cookies and milk and a carrot for the reindeer (only one? Aren't there like 8 reindeer? Hope they weren't too hungry). Ollie may have helped out the reindeer by taking a massive bite out of the carrot. Me, I would have gone for the cookies. Perhaps I may have just after Ollie went to bed...
Anyway, it must have done the trick because when Ollie woke up the next morning Santa had left a whole sackful of presents under the tree. This pic is the one where Ollie has just worked out that there are heaps of shiny things under the tree. Excited much?
The amount of presents for Ollie were a little over the top and given I had wrapped lots of things up individually along with Ollie being the only child there, well it got a bit silly with almost every present under the tree being for him. The poor little tucker didn't get a chance to hardly look at each present before another one was thrust upon him. Next year, perhaps we will exercise a little more restraint (or wrap things up in bundles!).
But the best present of all was Ollie's toy kitchen. He has been obsessed with this each and every time we have been to Ikea over the past 6 months (a surprising number of visits!). I always let him play with it while I hang out on the bed in the display room. He gets pretty territorial when other kids want to join him. So what better present that his very own one set up in the living room. And from a parenting perspective it is a much more stylish kitchen than some of the ones out there so it doesn't totally offend the design scheme we've got going on (who am I kidding, our design scheme is mashed banana and matchbox toys on the floor).
But the moment Obear saw this kitchen he was completely obsessed. And since then he has been mixing and baking up a storm. We have been the recipients of many pretend baby cinos since then and I look forward to using this as a babysitting device in future.
Later in the day we were joined by Peta, Zoe & Jackson for a huge amount of food (what is it about Christmas that you have to eat multiple different animals in one sitting - weird, but delicious). Ollie gets such a kick out of seeing Jackson, his "only cousin in the world" and was especially excited by the lovely presents that he brought for him. He was really spoilt getting lots of lovely clothes, a beach towel, books and a wonderful toy camera that he just loves.
Unfortunately lunchtime is when Obear sleeps so he isn't included in this table shot. But he had a place set for him and thought it was fantastic to wear his bon bon party hat that night when he ate his dinner.
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