We were long overdue for a catch up with the Brisbane based aunties and uncles so we all headed down to our favourite park just a few streets from our place for a laid back Sunday evening early dinner. The weather managed to hold out for us so Ollie was able to have the best time tearing around the park with his Aunty Hayley - I'm genuinely not sure who had the best time but judging from the look on Ollie's face in this picture, it might just have been him. After all the running around that took place we had to carb load (with a fairly hefty dose of fat too) with fish and chips all round, except for Aunty Em who thoroughly enjoyed world's best and biggest burger (Em, you owe me one - I decided against including a pic of you eating it!). Mind you, Obear would have happily just eaten tartare sauce with a spoon. Once home he entertained Hayley and Emma with his antics in the bath and then put both of their reading skills to the test with lots of pre-bedtime stories. Needle...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.