I seem to be starting this blog a lot lately with apologies. This week it was illness that has delayed publication. One of the real joys of daycare is that kids seem to pick up every single germ that is going around, and unlike most things, are more than willing to share them. So it came to be that all members of this family found themselves off work/daycare early this week wallowing around the house in our tummy bug related misery. But all is well again and I appear to have made it to my Friday in record time this week!
Perhaps our illness was related to a busy weekend? Friday night saw Nick going to the Chemical Brothers along with Aunties Hayley, Emma and Uncle Simon as well as pretty much everyone else in the entire town. I felt completely left out but no one really wants a pregnant chick hanging out at these types of affairs. Plus the weather was pretty awful so I was probably better off sitting on the couch watching trashy wedding shows on TV and eating ice cream. Saturday night saw a role reversal with me heading off to a night photography course (thank you Nick & Ollie) while the boys stayed home. It was a lot of fun and gave me lots of inspiration catching trailing lights of buses and cars.
In true Ollie fashion he has been totally adorable this week. My favourite line of the week came when we were driving and I sneezed. Obear chimed in with "mummy, don't sneeze the baby out". seriously. I don't make this stuff up.
Ollie's fave activity this week? A playdate with our friend Percy to another indoor play centre. The two ran around like little possessed people, showing absolutely no fear of heights, ball pits or slightly older and rougher kids (well maybe one kid who was probably too big to be there and may have scared Ollie a bit. "Mummy I don't like that boy"). The end of the playdate saw Ollie walking around like he was totally asleep on his feet. A very good nap was had by all upon our return home and I have fielded questions each day since about when we can go back.
O has been working on his range of facial emotions lately. He has a few firm favourites. This is his sad face. I love it because he sticks his bottom lip out so far and makes a real baby sooking sound. But he only makes it as a joke face. His real sad face is definitely not this cute.
This one is his cranky face. It is usually accompanied by a Marge Simpson type "hmmmmm" sound. It may possibly have been inspired by my somewhat similar cranky face. Possibly.
And this one is his happy face. Definitely the best of all three. And thankfully the one we get to see most of all.
It turns out that today was crazy hair day at daycare, in honour of one of the teachers who shaved all his hair off for the shave for a cure fundraiser. I figured this out when I found an orange and blue haired Ollie in place of the regular looking one we dropped off this morning. This pic probably doesn't show the hair in its true glory but it was the cutest one I took so it was the winner. It also shows the exact moment that the coloured hairspray appears to have made its way onto our ridiculously expensive silvery bedspread. Oh well. Nick loves doing the laundry.
And in addition to a multi-coloured haired boy at daycare this afternoon I also witnessed afternoon tea being consumed when I arrived. It was one of the first times that Ollie hasn't raced across the yard to greet me. Instead he declared through a mouthful of apple that "I want cake first" instead of going home. Who can argue with cake? Didn't stop him from hoovering his entire dinner less than an hour later though. What a little trooper.
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