Such is the gorgeousness that streams out of Obears mouth these days. It keeps me very entertained.
Another moment of loveliness? This afternoon when Evie and I went to pick him up he ran to the front gate and called out "gorgeous pantses" - I often call him "gorgeous pants". Too cute.
We had a rainy day last week with no playdates booked in. I was determined that it not be a day of television so I pulled out all the stops, making lots of different games for us to play (I even spent Ollie & Evie's nap time cutting, sticking and drawing to make a set of dominoes). But the best activity of all was when we put all the couch cushions together and played boats. I made us both sailor hats and drew a treasure map and we sailed between storms, mermaids, sharks and pirates with a healthy dose of "row row row your boat" between each destination. We all had a great time, even Evie who was in the dinghy (beanbag) next to our boat.
Once the rainy day cleared we have found ourselves in the middle of a mini heatwave with oppressive heat for days now. A trip to the park with friends on the weekend was almost too much for poor O but another park trip on Monday with our friends Jen & Lucy from Cloncurry saw O thwart the heat by drenching himself in the drinking fountain. Smart. But messy.
We've also kept the heat at bay with lots of swims in the pool and Ollie has even been lucky enough to have swims a few nights after Nick gets home from work. Perhaps all this swimming explains why we caught him kicking like he was in the pool during his nap the other day!
Poor Evie has had a bit of a bad run this week with two little teeth starting to cut through on the bottom and giving her a bit of grief. In addition to this she also had to have her needles. Poor little thing. I try to explain to her that it is the nurse who causes her the pain, not me, but when she looks at you crying it is just heartbreaking.
But it hasn't stopped her beautiful laughter. She is quite the little giggler these days and this morning Nick and I lay in bed listening to her giggle and gaggle away to herself. Ideally I would like to be sleeping at 5am but if I have to be woken from my slumber then this is a pretty wonderful sound.

Now I have to scooch. We have finally cut our ties to Foxtel today but consoled ourselves with the purchase of Apple TV (the outlay of which is about what we normally pay for foxtel in a month!). I didn't appreciate how super cool it was and I want to go and check it out some more!
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