The balloons have all been popped, the presents unwrapped and the cake sits half eaten in the bottom of the fridge. Ollie's third birthday is over before the day itself actually even begins. But in keeping with what has become a bit of a tradition, I'd just like to share with you a few of the things I love most about my little Olliebear:
- when he gets a numb leg he tells me that his leg has gone old
- that he says "got-for" instead of "forget"
- that he quotes his favourite Ice Age character Buck and walks around the house saying "you don't need the calories"
- he is adamant that another Ice Age character "Sid the Sloth" is actually "Sam the Sloth". We think he has worked out he is wrong but is too far into the deception to back out.
- when Evie cries he says "she needs her brother" (or sometimes "she needs boobies")
- when talking to any person littler than he, he says "hello little fella"
- he thinks it is hilarious to replace words in nursery rhymes with funny rhymes like "poo"
- that everything he likes is his favourite thing
- that every single toy or book that has been given to Evie has been appropriated by him. He even sleeps with two of her stuffed toys.
- when he helps in the kitchen and cracks eggs he absolutely pulverises them every single time.
- he loves to say "you're driving me bonkers" and "cheese and whiskers".
- he can't just walk somewhere - he has to run flat out everywhere he goes.
- he loves his daddy so incredibly much and is always telling me "daddy and I are good mates, you and Evie are good buddies".
It has been a big year. A tough year in many respects. He has really really pushed the boundaries and has made the transition from baby boy to little boy. He has gotten taller and lost a lot of his baby chub. He wears big boy undies and loves the scary waterslide at the pool.
He drives me absolutely crazy most days, especially those when we have epic food or sleep battles. But when he is finally asleep, with his eyes half open, snoring and dribbling onto a pillow, he is one of the two most beautiful things I have ever seen and I am half tempted to wake him up just to give him more kisses. But only half tempted...
And to leave you, a photo from each of the last twelve months.
Oh Tanya. I have tears! x