It seems every time I get around to writing a blog of late it is to do with being away from home. But nothing so exciting this week. Just the bits and pieces that make up our daily life - it may not be edge of your seat interesting but it is just a bit lovely to have such a nice little life. But before I do, one pic that didn't make it last week (technical issue - it seems you all got to see two of one photo and none of this one). Here is Ollie feeding the lorikeets on the balcony at Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob's beach house. It was like our own private wildlife sanctuary! Now back to reality. Evie is super gorgeous and Ollie is super trying. That seems to be the theme of our week. Ol has been pushing my buttons like you would not believe. Yesterday saw him refuse to have a sleep at all which saw me with not one single moment alone to myself the whole time Nick was at work. That probably doesn't sound like a big deal but it is enough to make me need to lock mys...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.