It seems every time I get around to writing a blog of late it is to do with being away from home. But nothing so exciting this week. Just the bits and pieces that make up our daily life - it may not be edge of your seat interesting but it is just a bit lovely to have such a nice little life.
But before I do, one pic that didn't make it last week (technical issue - it seems you all got to see two of one photo and none of this one). Here is Ollie feeding the lorikeets on the balcony at Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob's beach house. It was like our own private wildlife sanctuary!
Now back to reality. Evie is super gorgeous and Ollie is super trying. That seems to be the theme of our week. Ol has been pushing my buttons like you would not believe. Yesterday saw him refuse to have a sleep at all which saw me with not one single moment alone to myself the whole time Nick was at work. That probably doesn't sound like a big deal but it is enough to make me need to lock myself in the pantry and eat salt and vinegar crisps.
Today was been a bit better. He is sleeping now after 90 minutes of stuffing around. He has tried to bite my arm and has head butted Evie twice. Throw in a nice tantrum on the floor for good measure. Good times. I keep telling myself that this is all just a phase and he won't be three for ever and that I will look back on these times with fondness but when you are smack bang in the middle of it all it it is pretty hard to get that kind of perspective. Bring on my one day of daycare a week now!!
Even this bundle of smiling joy has had her moments of late. She has had a few broken nights of sleep as well as incredibly difficult to attain and then short day sleeps. But she is still a superstar. I think in the last day or so her laughing seal has been ripped off and she seems to be giggling away at everything and anything. Although it doesn't really sound like a proper giggle. More like a little machine gun sound. Cute anyway though.
But her best new trick of late is that she has developed ticklish feet. Too lovely - and elicits a much better giggly giggle than her machine gun one.
Our weekends have started to develop a real sense of loveliness of late. Nothing terribly exciting but just nice. In the mornings we have had a few coffees at this great coffee shop on the pier where Ollie gets given bread to feed the fish. There have also been hundreds of jellyfish swimming around each time we have been there - so we have dubbed it "Jellyfish Cafe". In the evenings we have been allowing Ollie to stay up later and watch a movie with his bed made up on the lounge room floor and popcorn. Nick and I are either watching the movie with him or having dinner on the deck nearby. We all love it because you get a sense of Ollie the future big boy and he gets to differentiate between Saturday night and the rest of the week. Having said that, he is still in bed by 8pm!! If only he would then sleep in the following morning instead of waking at the same time and then being a grumpy bum because he is missing an hour of sleep.
Favourite things around here this week? Firstly is Evie's music box that Nanna Freddie bought for Christmas. Ollie is loving it and tries to see where the little ballerina goes when he shuts the lid. I keep going to tell him to be more gentle with it but then I have flashbacks to how it felt to flick the springy ballerina when I was a child. So she will just have to toughen up! Evie also loves the music box and kicks her legs and arms with excitement whenever she hears it's tune. It has become a daily activity to lay on our bed with them both and watch the little dancer twirl around.
Other fave toy? We inherited a super cool remote control car from our lovely neighbours the other day and I'm not actually sure who is the biggest fan of it. Nick and I both get a real kick out of hooning it around the living room but Ollie especially loves the big booming noise the horn on the car makes. Yee ha!!!
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