We have a new family member. Her name is Betsy and she is 98 years old. The other week while ambling through one of the local op shops (we have 14 of them within a few blocks. I just can't help myself) I spied this beautiful piano - again. I had seen it a few times but at the ridiculously exorbitant price of $200 I couldn't justify it. Until, HALF PRICE SALE!! That's right - $100. Needless to say she came to live with us. She is in amazingly good condition for her age. And we know her exact age as she came with the original certificate and warranty from 1915 as well as a receipt for when she changed hands in 1980. I cannot tell you how excited I was by this purchase. I have always wanted to have my own piano and I especially wanted one that the children could play. Ollie always has such a fabulous time playing the one at our playgroup hall - even if it is usually dinosaurs he is using to push the keys. Thankfully...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.