I remember years ago hearing about these kooky weirdos called "breatharians" who basically didn't eat meals but merely subsisted upon breathing the air. It sounded nuts back then and it especially sounds nuts now. But I am beginning to suspect that our sweet little Eve may be a breatharian. Ol was more a fan of the devour any food in sight at the fastest rate possible and then go back for seconds. And thirds. But not our sweet little E. I'm not saying that she doesn't eat at all. In fact there are some days when she goes a bit mad for food. But then there are others when she seems to get by solely on a mouthful of weetbix, a crust of sandwich and whatever she can scavenge off the floor. Ah yes, floor food. That seems to be a whole food group for Eve. As he was an only child, Ol wasn't exposed to floor food in the same way. But thanks to his messy eating habits, little Evie can probably survive quite nicely on the ...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.