I remember years ago hearing about these kooky weirdos called "breatharians" who basically didn't eat meals but merely subsisted upon breathing the air. It sounded nuts back then and it especially sounds nuts now. But I am beginning to suspect that our sweet little Eve may be a breatharian.
Ol was more a fan of the devour any food in sight at the fastest rate possible and then go back for seconds. And thirds. But not our sweet little E. I'm not saying that she doesn't eat at all. In fact there are some days when she goes a bit mad for food. But then there are others when she seems to get by solely on a mouthful of weetbix, a crust of sandwich and whatever she can scavenge off the floor. Ah yes, floor food. That seems to be a whole food group for Eve. As he was an only child, Ol wasn't exposed to floor food in the same way. But thanks to his messy eating habits, little Evie can probably survive quite nicely on the odd sultana, dried nutri grain biscuit or day old pasta piece. In fact thinking about it, the poor little poppet is probably too full from all her ground grazing to fit another bite in!
Even if she isn't getting fed much it doesn't seem to be slowing her development down. Lately she is cruising the furniture like a pro and even standing up from time to time on her own. Give her a walking toy, or Ol's chair, table, her highchair or activity table, and she can walk quite happily all the way up the hallway. Until she gets to the end. Then she cries out until you go and turn her around. But then everything is fine. Until she gets to the end again.
The last week and a half saw Nick's 33rd birthday. Lots of fun was had by all. Ol loved Nick's cake - which took a grand total of 7 minutes to decorate on my way out the door to pick him up from the station. We also celebrated his birthday by leaving the kids at home with Nanna Freddie and heading out to the valley. This is the second time we've headed out since Evie came along. That is twelve months ago and the last time was for my birthday where we walked to the end of the street for dinner. Needless to say it has been a crazy year of partying!
The night was great fun as we caught up with some friends for drinks, dinner and dubious karaoke in what we strongly suspect may be an asian prostitution headquarters. And despite the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed, we were both in fine form the next morning ready to take the kids down to the park so Ol could wear himself out on the good old jumping castle.
Ol's new toy this week? A globe. He has wanted one for ages so I bought him a little one at the cheap shop to tide him over. But Nick thought he needed a proper one (with ALL the countries on it - picky!) so he brought one home from the National Geographic store. Ol had to work for it over a few days getting lots of ticks for staying in bed and being gentle to Evie but eventually he became the proud owner of the ENTIRE WORLD! He is ridiculously chuffed and carried it around everywhere with him for the first two days (including all the way over to Nanna Carmel's house to show all the aunties and uncles). It is great to be able to show him where all the Nannas and Pa's/Grandpa's and Poppy's live but his favourite bit this week was learning about Siberia. He must have liked the Siberian picture because he has been talking about it all week and how he wanted to go there. I decided to pull flickr up on the TV and we looked at a few pictures from Siberia. Thankfully he has now decided that it doesn't really look like that much fun. Phew. Lets hope next week he is interested in somewhere a little more user friendly like Fiji!
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