Christmas. Tis the season to eat too much, drink too much and write too few blogs.
My apologies. But to make up for it, here are some photos from our lovely Christmas.
Check out these two cuties having early Christmas morning smoochies.
And this gorgeous smiley boy.
Here is the moment they walked out and saw the Christmas tree. Not suprisingly laden with pressies, pretty much just for them!
Look at all the hair on this little girl. She definitely isn't a baby anymore. Sob.
Cloncurry must be one of the only places where Santa visits all the kids on Christmas morning and hands out ice-blocks. Kind of handy when the temps reach 42 degrees on the day.
Ol just a tad excited to receive Ice Age 4 on Dvd. He has subsequently watched it at least 40,000 times!
Sweet little Christmas pixie tottering around with Ol's christmas day pride and joy - a Woody doll. This is what he asked Santa for. Turns out Eve should have asked for one too. She honestly carried it around with her most of the day. Thankfully Ol had a bunch of other presents to distract him but there were many occasions when he snatched back from her. Perhaps a Jessie doll for Eve's birthday?
More pressies...
Eve's gorgeous Christmas day outfit (the result of a bit of swapsies with some other creative market mums who wanted Mini Mayhem t-shirts for Christmas presents).
Me and my lovely little guy.
And finally, what would Christmas be without a giant old fashioned trifle for Nick to devour. It is one of his favourite parts of the day. This one didn't disappoint!
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