Two years. Where did that go? Only milliseconds ago I was coming to grips with you turning one and now you are two. You are so officially not a little baby anymore. But as you turn into a little girl before my very eyes, here are some of the things I love about you right now.
- you still love your Wooby. So much so that we had to pick up a spare. Nooby. I'm a bit concerned by your Wooby devotion. I'm pretty sure that there is a Wooby intervention in our future at some point.
- I love it when you say "mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy" and I reply "EB EB EB EB".
- you have only just turned two but you know the important words like 'lego' and 'ipad'.
- you have the best 'sad face' I have ever seen.
- I just melt when you put your little head on my shoulder when you cuddle me.
- you are so cheeky, you stand at the door to the pantry and point to the top shelf where we keep the good things like lollies, bikkies and vitamin C tablets.
- you pat your daddy's shoulders when you want him to give you a shoulder ride.
- you LOVE to dance. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, if music comes on you must dance. We often have mid meal dance breaks.
- the only thing better than dancing is dancing in a ruffly or puffy skirt. As soon as you put one on you twirl around, non stop. At Ollie's disco you spun around for the entire night.
- you wear the two sweetest little piggy tails every day. It is the only style I know. I really need to mix it up a bit but it is so hard to get you to sit still to brush your hair that I might stick with them for a while.
- your favourite word at the moment is "miiiiiiiiiiiiine". You like to say it about the toys Ollie is playing with, food and the swings at the park.
- you love to rub sunscreen on Ollie's bottom. Freaky little weirdo.
- you are obsessed with cleaning your teeth. If I want to get you to do something I will lure you there with the promise of being allowed to brush your teeth. You also like to sneak into our bathroom to steal the toothpaste which you walk around sucking, usually clutching a toothbrush at the same time.
- you have fallen hard for those Disney princesses. You can sniff them out at 20 paces. You call Cinderella "Rella" and Snow White "White". You would wear them everyday if I let you have them on anything more than pyjamas.
- you can not get enough bacon. You think it is so good that you simply call it "UMS".
- you also have a bit of a thing for eating playdough. Ewwww.
- shoes. Do I really need to say more?
I know this year will have its challenges. You've made it quite clear that we have some battles ahead. But in between the tantrums about what shoes to wear or whether you will allow me to brush your hair that day, I will cherish those sweet moments when you place your gorgeous chubby little hands on my neck and say "nose mummy" while you rub your sweet little nose on mine. I love you sweet pea. You are sweetness dipped in chocolate and rolled in sugar. xx
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