These two are TOUGH right now. Really tough. Thankfully we have two sets of parents on board every day as we really need it.
They are also awesome and lovely and hilarious. And luckily that outweighs the rough times. But there are some days; like yesterday when we were at Ikea and Eve was chucking hysterical tantrums about not being able to carry a container of beads that was too heavy and she kept dropping it, and Ollie was being Ollie and talking REALLY loudly and million words a second and just NOT. SHUTTING. UP. Like ever.
Those times are tough.
What were we doing at Ikea? Well since Miss Eve is turning two this month we thought it was a good time to move her out of her cot and into a big girl bed. Actually I wasn't planning on moving her out of the cot for another year, but I picked up some gorgeous wall prints the other day and there was no wall space with the cot there so I was prepared to sacrifice my stance for some pretty interior decoration!
Last night saw the trialling of the new big girl bed. Not surprisingly there were some shenanigans. The temptation to hop up was just too great and I guess it probably took around 25 trips in there to finally convince her to sleep. But sleep she did. Right through until 5.30 this morning when her brother started making annoying noises. That is another story. But good for Eve.
With Eve getting that bit bigger and more robust lately as well as her increasing vocabulary, you get to see these actually playing together a lot more. That is great in theory but there is so much sibling squabbling that it does wear you down a bit. Ol is often guilty of being a bit too rough with her, but mind you, she does give as well as she gets. And what she lacks in strength she makes up for in screeching "mine!!!!!!" and chucking sooky girl tantrums.
Ah, these two are going to be quite the handful.
Apart from my own beautiful children, I have been lucky enough to spend some time with two very new and gorgeous babies lately. The first, a lovely girl named Maala, was such a special arrival that I headed down to Melbourne for two nights to spend some time with her and her equally lovely parents. I took my camera and captured some lovely moments including this one.
The other little miss I've been cuddling is a sweet pea called Emilia, who is the little sister of one of Ol's good friends. She is super tiny and just a bit darn cute.
You might think with being around all these tiny babies that there might be an inkling to have another one of our own to give squishy cuddles to. Um, no. I'd forgotten how tiny and needy they are. These two little terrors of mine keep me busy enough. How any looks after more than two children is completely beyond me. Plus, I've got these two beautiful little misses to give me any tiny baby fixes!
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