We have had Ollie at home for a full two weeks before the long weekend and we had the company of Nanna Freddie for much of that time thanks to a bit of shoulder surgery. It didn't dampen our plans though as it seems what Ollie really needed to do more than anything was just relax and chill out. The first term of school was pretty exhausting but all indications show that Ol has done a great job.
All that calm went right out the window when the Easter Bunny came to town. He made a right mess with his sweet little powdery footprints but all was forgiven when the kids saw the chocolate bounty.
Easter - the one day of the year when it is perfectly acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast!!
The only thing that could possibly top all of the chocolate consumption? A giant pink jumping castle in one of their best friend's yards on Easter Monday. Our kids (and everyone else's) went completely bonkers jumping around and burning all of that chocolate off. I may have even joined them for a few turns on the jumping castle.
And finally, isn't this the face of a boy who desperately wants a puppy? Our friends Cos and Kate came over recently with their new puppy Rufus. Needless to say that Ol was completely besotted. He asks quite often for a dog. I can't see Nick and I relenting anytime soon, but it is lovely to see that he is such a little animal lover.
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