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It has been a super crazy hectic week and I haven't really had time to bust out the SLR so this week's blog is brought to you entirely by my iphone camera. The quality of the photos isn't quite as good as the canon(!) but the flexibility it affords can't be beat. This first photo is especially dear to me. Ollie B and I were at the park on Thursday morning having a picnic when I noticed that our shoes practically matched. Click.
And here is my special little bubble boy. Ollie is just LOVING having a bath tub. That's right, up until the move we didn't have a tub. It has made the last 20 months a bit tricky and most of this year we bathed Ollie in a giant plastic bucket in the bottom of our shower cubicle. It was less than ideal but Ollie didn't really know any different. Well how things have changed. In the short time we have been here Ollie has become a total bath addict. If things are running a bit behind schedule and we give him a shower he gets quite distraught. He has even stood at the top of the stairs naked and pointing downstairs (where the tub is) declaring "bath bath bath bath". And if you ask him if he wants a shower he will say "no, bath". It is pretty unequivocal.
In other vocabulary developments, Ollie has this cute phrase of "I see it". As in, "Ollie can you see the plane?", "I see it". It is usually said as part of a squeal of delight at seeing a plane or a taxi or a digger. The said object need not be even that visible to the naked eye as it appears that Ollie has exceptionally good eyesight and can spot objects that are way way way off into the distance.

Another word of the moment is "sorry". You'd think this would be a lovely addition to the list however Ollie has worked out that this is a bit of a 'get out of jail free' kind of word. He will come up and hurt you and then just say sorry with the sweetest little smile and think it is okay. But don't worry, we aren't letting him get away with it all and are reasonably on top of the discipline stuff. We even have a naughty corner, well it is more of a naughty wall. It seems to be doing the trick though and he certainly knows what it is for. Just the other day I was vacuuming it and mentioned that it was his naughty corner, so he just went over and sat in it!!

The sticker is a score from a kind shop keeper. While up at the local shopping centre recently Ollie was being a bit of a pain. He was carrying on and doing this awful super high pitched squealing noise while sitting in the trolley. I did my best to ignore/rationalise with/distract but nothing seemed to be working. In the end I gave him a toy crocodile to play with. That did the trick and I figured at $3 it was a good investment in my sanity. When we paid for it the shop keeper gave Ollie a special 'snap' sticker to go with his crocodile. The sticker is long gone (I think I saw it floating around the car somewhere) but the crocodile is now a regular attraction in the bath.
Here is Ollie absolutely tearing up and down the hallway. It is a great game that goes a long way in tiring him out so I'm not about to quash it. It is accompanied with a continual "aaaaaaaaaaaa" sound and is one of true happiness, as you can see from the big blurry smile on his face. It can also be heard by the entire neighbourhood. He is probably also happy because he is wearing his new panda shirt that I found him and we were just about to head back to the old neighbourhood for a playdate with our pals. He had such a good time with his old neighbourhood peeps - especially as there was not one but six other little people to play with. Never was so much fun had on trampolines, bikes, couches, slides and cubbyhouses. We both needed a nap after that day!


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