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It has been a reasonably uneventful week around here which is quite nice in light of all the drama of late.

Ollie and I had a great playdate with our old mother's group at an indoor play centre which was just out of control in a really fun way. We had been to this play centre in the past but it just seemed like something really clicked for Obear and he was climbing up everything, scaling the second floor of the play equipment and totally loving sliding down the really steep slides. In the past I've had to go right into the equipment with him to supervise but this time we got to be really slummy mummies and just pulled up chairs at the front of the playground and let them run wild. Bunch of big two year olds that they are.

More indoor play, this time on the weekend. Nick graduated Ollie's trike to the next level, taking off the back and side support and engaging the pedals. Ollie wasn't too sure about turning the pedals himself but after some encouragement from Nick he showed that he could do it, but that he actually preferred to just push himself around using his feet on the ground. Oh well, he still looks pretty pleased with himself.

I mention tigers in the title because there seem to be a lot of them around the house at the moment. Almost every night when Ollie gets out of the shower he will jump into my arms saying "I'm scared" and when I ask him what is scaring him he will reply "tigers". I'm not sure if this is just an overactive imagination or the beginning of telling fibs - probably a combo of both. I have noticed the odd fib creeping into conversations. In addition to this he also recognises the humour in telling you something that isn't true. So the moral of the story? Perhaps take anything Ollie says with a grain of salt, especially if it involves giant jungle felines prowling around our bathroom.

In more tiger news Ollie is able to tell you that tigers have stripes and leopards have spots. Although leopard sounds more like "lip-pons". He might be picking up this knowledge of animals from watching Diego, Dora's wildlife loving cousin. Ollie is completely Dora obsessed at the moment which is doing my head in. Not only does it seem to be on TV every single time we turn it on but we now have a Dora CD in the car which Ollie insists must be on whenever we drive somewhere. And it is damn catchy too. I often find myself singing "we're going to the lost city, we'll find my teddy bear toooooooooooo!". Like at work, or at the grocery store. Not a good look at all. The upshot to Dora watching is that Obear is picking up some spanish. He is by no means fluent but on a good day can count to 5 (not necessarily in order) and he has started to say "rapido". I figure he should probably be fluent by the end of the month at this rate!!

Still on Dora, I've noticed Ollie giving envious stares to kids he sees wearing Dora t-shirts or holding backpacks. I'm not a huge fan of trademarked kids stuff but seeing that look in his eye is enough to make me cave. If only I could. It turns out that almost all the Dora stuff out there is for little girls and I'm not sure how good B would look in a nightdress. But I know how much he would love something Dora related so my search continues. I even found myself considering pulling the little bows off the front of some Dora undies today just to butch them up enough. Thankfully I decided against it.
There was no kayaking here on the weekend thanks to the choppy weather conditions. So we took ourselves down to one of the locals for a lovely breakfast feed. Ollie won over another waitress with his sweet requests for "My cino" and helped me to demolish my breakfast.

Two pics of my favourite boys. One difference between the two. This shows Ollie's latest trick - sticking his finger up his nose. Pretty gross but I think he has just figured out that it fits. I keep rousing on him to which he replies "ooh, sorry mummy". Just the cutest thing. I can handle a bit of nose picking for the sweet apologies.


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