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Showing posts from March, 2011

A perfect afternoon

We were long overdue for a catch up with the Brisbane based aunties and uncles so we all headed down to our favourite park just a few streets from our place for a laid back Sunday evening early dinner. The weather managed to hold out for us so Ollie was able to have the best time tearing around the park with his Aunty Hayley - I'm genuinely not sure who had the best time but judging from the look on Ollie's face in this picture, it might just have been him. After all the running around that took place we had to carb load (with a fairly hefty dose of fat too) with fish and chips all round, except for Aunty Em who thoroughly enjoyed world's best and biggest burger (Em, you owe me one - I decided against including a pic of you eating it!). Mind you, Obear would have happily just eaten tartare sauce with a spoon. Once home he entertained Hayley and Emma with his antics in the bath and then put both of their reading skills to the test with lots of pre-bedtime stories. Needle

It's a ...

Well last week we finally had our big scan for Dower baby #2. The main purpose of the scan is to check all of the baby's measurements, organs etc to make sure that everything is as it should be. Thankfully for us everything was absolutely perfect. The other exciting thing about this scan is it is when they can tell you the sex of the baby, if you want to know. Of course, we definitely wanted to know. We found out with Ollie and were really glad that we did - it is still a surprise, just a little bit earlier. I was 100% convinced that we were having a little boy while Nick thought we were having a girl. However he did change his mind on that when the technician asked what we thought we were having. Turns out that wasn't a smart move as we ARE HAVING A GIRL!!!!!!!! Have a look at how beautiful she is... Mind you I'm still not convinced that it isn't a boy but Nick keeps pointing out that not one, but two technicians looked at it and told us it was a girl. But if

A quick getaway

We were lucky enough to have a little mini-break over the weekend up at beautiful Kings Beach. Our good friends Sam & Alan (along with Audrey & baby Henry) were heading up there to catch up with some other friends who are visiting from Canada with their two little boys. We thought it was too good a plan not to get on board so we enjoyed a nice long weekend up there. We may have enjoyed ourselves but there are not words to describe what a good time Ollie had. He is so madly in love with Miss Audrey and just adores baby Henry so much (read: lots of kisses and cuddles/headlocks for him) so any time he gets to spend with them is wonderful. But throw two lovely little northern hemisphere boys into the mix, a bit of beach time and just generally tearing around the place and you have quite possibly stumbled onto the mix for Ollie's perfect weekend. Ollie actually started off the weekend declaring that he did not know Will and James but he warmed to them instantly and before lo

Sorry again

I seem to be starting this blog a lot lately with apologies. This week it was illness that has delayed publication. One of the real joys of daycare is that kids seem to pick up every single germ that is going around, and unlike most things, are more than willing to share them. So it came to be that all members of this family found themselves off work/daycare early this week wallowing around the house in our tummy bug related misery. But all is well again and I appear to have made it to my Friday in record time this week! Perhaps our illness was related to a busy weekend? Friday night saw Nick going to the Chemical Brothers along with Aunties Hayley, Emma and Uncle Simon as well as pretty much everyone else in the entire town. I felt completely left out but no one really wants a pregnant chick hanging out at these types of affairs. Plus the weather was pretty awful so I was probably better off sitting on the couch watching trashy wedding shows on TV and eating ice cream. Saturda