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Happy birthday sweet pea!

Wow, how have twelve months passed since they put your sweet little squishy self on my chest and I instantly fell in love all over again?

In keeping with tradition, I just want to share with you, my sweet girl, some of the things that I have loved the most about the last twelve months:

- your gorgeous clear blue eyes that are so big you could just fall into them
- your freaky little curved up tongue that looks kind of like a lizard
- your sticky uppy Mohawk hair that you had for way too long.
- that you stick your thumb in your mouth as soon as you are the slightest bit tired.
- that you look a bit like me.
- that you make this cranky little Marge Simpson kind of sound when you are going to sleep.
- that you love to dance any time you hear music or even just a beat.
- that your favourite song is Intergalactica by the Beastie Boys.  But you're also partial to a bit of Daft Punk.  Pretty much anything with a bit of robot synth.
- that you get this full face squinty smile when you think something is really hilarious.
- you adore Ollie's toy dog Stanley (who was originally bought for you) and anytime you get your hands on him you snuggle him quickly before Ollie can yank him back.
- that you have a bit of a thing for electricity, and danger in general really.
- that you have a particularly keen interest in gravity and love to throw anything you can from your high chair, especially food.
- alright those last two I don't really love but I do kind of love the super cheeky look you give me when I tell you no. Suspect I won't love it so much in years to come.
- you love to have your head scratched and when I stop scratching it you will keep moving your head from side to side so my fingers keep rubbing your head.
- you stick one leg up whenever you sit in your highchair so it looks like you've got your foot up on a desk.
- you have this sweet little giggle you do after you do something you know is awesome, like saying a word.
- you grunt impatiently at people when you want to talk to them so they will look at you.
- you look cooly at me while you simply spit your food out - again, probably not a love!
- that like your brother, you can't get enough of pandas.
- And I just adore the sleepy cuddles you, Ollie and I have each day after nap time.

But most of all I just love that you are my baby and always will be.  No matter how old you get, even when you go through your feral goth stage and tell me you don't love me.  I will always love you.  You complete my family and make me pinch myself with disbelief at how wonderfully perfect my beautiful life is.  I adore you my sweet little pea.

And just so we can see how you have grown, here is a photo from each of the last twelve months.


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