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It has been a week of commerce around here.  I normally keep away from the shops for obvious reasons but I really wanted to pick up a magnetic toy to go on the fridge to keep Eve entertained instead of having her try to eat anything else near the fridge.   We found that toy but we also found another.   A hard plastic case to go on iphones etc to make them baby proof.  I couldn't resist it as we had a couple of old iphones kicking around so now we have a readymade Ollie/Eve distraction device when we go out and about (no signal enabled so it is innocuous).

But I will really need to make it such that they are only allowed to play with it if we are out somewhere though as Ol is very keen on it.  He gave me a glimpse into the future the other day when he walked in after a day at daycare, grabbed it and lay down on the couch on his tummy and started playing games.  I took it straight off him of course.

Here is Eve actually getting a play with it.  This is rare as her brother usually grabs it straight off her.

Here they are playing on the fridge magnet thingy.  It is a phonic game so quite good for Ol as well but it has this REALLY annoying song (don't all kiddy toys?) so I keep finding myself singing "O says oh, o says oh, every letter makes a sound, o says oh".  Argh!!

This week saw "International talk like a pirate day". One of my favourite unofficial holidays.  Thankfully it fell on a daycare day so Ol got to rock up in his pirate garb.  He was pretty chuffed to go to daycare in dress ups but by the time he made it to the playground he had already ripped the hat and patch off and was only left with a smeared eyeliner beard.  Arrrrrr, the woes of being the mother of a pirate.

We also had baby chickens at daycare this week which is super fun for the kids and probably super terrifying for the chickens.  The best bit?  The first chicken hatched just as we were collecting Ol's bag so Ol, Eve and I hung around for about twenty minutes just watching this teeny sticky chick like creature emerge from it's shell.  Very cool indeed.

This girl loves her handbags.  I'm not quite sure where she gets it from.

Look at these two little troublemakers.  I'm not sure who ended up the messiest after this dinner.  But they sure had fun.

Doesn't this boy suddenly look like not such a little boy?  He has really turned into a big boy of late, probably due to the huge volumes of food he eats.  Some days he is onto his third or fourth breakfast by the time I'm making my second cup of tea.  I get so tired of hearing "Mummy but I'm hungry".  He is a one boy swarm of locusts.

This desire to eat seems to be invading his dreams too.  This morning he told us that he had a dream that he was making snow angels while laying in chocolates and lollies.  Might also have something to do with us reading "Charlie and the chocolate factory" at the moment.  Perhaps.

Finally, it seems that everyone thinks I'm making up what a cranky baby sweet little Eve is.  Well let me tell you that it is not one word of a lie.  She is a cranky little taskmaster.  She basically cries at me and throws tantrums from the time she wakes up from her nap until her bedtime.  The mornings are also peppered with her antics.  I adore her crabby little pants but she just wears me down some days.  Anyway, here is proof of her grouchiness.  Captured in full flight the other day.  I think it is definitely one for the 21st album.


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