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Showing posts from January, 2015

Christmas 2014

With the fun we had on Christmas day already becoming a fading memory, it is a great time to share with you our little video of our day.  I hope you enjoy it...

Ollie's sixth birthday science party

By now you all know that I go a tad bonkers for the kid's birthday parties.  I've given up apologising for this, I can't help it, it makes me happy and my kids happy so we've made our peace with it! Ol decided he wanted to have a science themed birthday party for his sixth birthday after they had a science morning at school.  Our little guy loves experiments so I was mad keen but I just couldn't justify the pricey packages offered by local science party entertainers.  Never one to shy away from a DIY party I was pretty sure I could just buy a jumbo bottle of hydrogen peroxide and keep the kiddos amazed by myself.  The cake was a science experiment in itself.  With gravity defying beakers of green and blue slime oozing down onto the cake, a Katherine Sabbath inspired chocolate bark explosion in the background and lots of bubbling goodness, I think I kept it pretty simple... I applied a liberal dose of green across the party as it is Ol's favo

The birthday blog: our boy is six!

Six whole years have passed now since the doctor handed me that teeny tiny perfect little human.  I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do with you.  I had no real experience in looking after babies or children and barely even any that counted in pet ownership (hello, Gus anyone???). But we found our way.  We figured it out and the years have flown by.  So let me tell you a few of the things I love about this past year. - you had your first year of school.  You not only survived prep but you rocked it!  You made so many  lovely new friends, both boys and girls, and your teacher thought you were really well behaved and a good listener.  Well played! - you can read.  Like really read. You can pick up normal books from your shelves and read them.  You read signs we drive past and things that are written on the television.  I can no longer spell things out to your father in the hope of sneaking them past you! - you are kind to girls.  I hear stories of you telling the

Christmas 2014

Christmas was only a week and a bit ago but it already seems like ages have passed.   Our crew and Nanna Freddie & Poppy convoyed up to Perigean Beach - one of our favourite little places.  We had a lovely house for 10 nights with our own pool and directly across the road from the beach.  Needless to say, a lovely time was had by all - especially the little ratbags who had the time of their lives. Before we headed up though we still had to have a tree at our place.  This year I let the kids decorate it all by themselves, so it goes without saying that it looked like a schmozzle.  But a beautiful one that they were extremely proud of.  Pretty, perfect Christmas trees have got nothing on ones decorated with love (and limited height range!). The day after the tree went up the little ones awoke to the arrival of our faithful fairies who have set their door up under our Christmas tree for three years now.  They always delight us with their tricks, treats and teeny tiny