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Eve is 7: the birthday blog!

Another year has flown by and we have a seven year old girl! While I wonder how that has happened so quickly, let me tell you some of the things I will always remember about Eve at this age.

She is a big grade one girl now, not a little baby preppie.  She was so very proud to finally put on the big girl school uniform.  Although not the cullotes.  Definitely not the cullotes.

She reads chapter books now.  Billie B Brown ones are definitely her favourites but anything with a fairy or a horse or even just a girl in it would be pretty much her style.

She is a nightmare at keeping her room tidy.  She stashes things in corners, under chairs and behind toys to avoid actually putting them away.  I find dirty clothes in the toy drawers and toys in her laundry hamper.

She draws all over the pathways with rainbow coloured chalk.  Sometimes she mixes it with water to make it super bright.  Last week she mixed it with glue.  Let's see how that one comes out.

She can be such a great helper.  She can reach the washing line and will help hang clothes out and bring them in.  She is great at setting and clearing the table too.  But catch her on the wrong day (or hour or minute) and she'll let out an eye roll and loudly declare that "I'm not a servant".

She won the super cool scooter prize at the Yacht Club Easter egg hunt and all the big boys were totally jealous because it's good for doing sick tricks, apparently.  But she scoots around on it like a little demon.

She cuts up teeny tiny little pieces of paper and leaves them all over the floor.  She continues this trend in the bathroom by ripping up toilet paper and dropping it on the tiles.

She is incredibly loud.  Like shout talking loud.  We are constantly telling her to talk in a little voice.

We still have battles over her hair.  Every. Single. Morning. She screams and carries on when I try to brush it and then complains about whatever hairstyle I've managed to wrestle her into.

She is pretty awesome at maths. I didn't realise this until we went on holidays and I heard that the boys in her class caught up with her in the tests while we were away.

She really loves her food.  She is a total buffet girl.  Always on the hunt for more, wanting to eat everything all the time.

She loves a good snuggle (and is still called Snuggle Buggle for this reason) and would happily fall asleep with me every night if I let her.

Music is still a huge part of her life.  She and I love a good car dancing session and she loves to bust out her spotify playlist in her room in front of her mirror, rocking out those moves.

She carved "this is Ollie"into the dining table.  Smooth.  Real smooth.

She loves her calendar and crosses off each day of the month.  She usually has a better idea of what the date is than I do.

Clothes are still a struggle. Her idea of a good outfit is far from conventional.  But her love for skirts and dresses has waned a little this year.  She has totally gobsmacked me a few times by screaming that she only wants to wear shorts.

Tantrums.  Still with the tantrums.  When will she grow out of them?  I've had to drag her from the football field, kicking and screaming.  She slammed a car door into my knee last week.  Just yesterday she had an unbelievably epic one that the entire neighbourhood must have heard.  Once she gets going its really hard to get her to back down.  But when she does, she is incredibly remorseful and knows she has made a total goose of herself.

She loves the bathtub and could happily sit in there, pottering with her toys and making soapy potions for an hour or so.

She tells us to come back in ten minutes every night when we put her to sleep. If she sleep talks when we tuck her in later in the night she will tell us again to come back in ten minutes.

She still holds my hand at school and gives me big cuddles and kisses.  She will often run out of the classroom after me for an extra squeeze to get her through the day.


We are seeing glimpses of the young woman that you are becoming.  You are incredibly kind and a great friend to everyone (especially your little BFF) and we couldn't be more proud of that.

I kissed you a hundred times last night while you slept and had a little cry for the six year old girl who I knew would be gone in the morning light.  I couldn't wait to meet the seven year old Eve but I've absolutely loved spending the past twelve months with the six year old one.

It feels like the years of having little kids have well and truly rushed past me.  This milestone marks the end of car seats for us.  Which is pretty awesome in some ways (I mean logistics, right?!) but it is an absolute giant line in the sand that I don't have small children anymore.  You're both so independent and sassy and sometimes downright teenagery.  Where did my tiny little babies go?

So let's stop the clock for a bit.  Let's have a tea party and play dress ups.  I'll be Snow White and you can be Cinderella.  We can watch Frozen for the millionth time and maybe play Justine Clark on repeat and dance around the lounge room together.  Let me hold you in my arms as you get sleepy and I'll gently rock you to sleep.

My littlest baby.  My sweet little girl.  The one who made me complete as a mother.  Nothing you do will ever take away from the incredibly immense love I have for you.


Here is a photo from each of the past twelve months.


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