Ollie had his first Easter last weekend and although he didn't get any easter eggs, I think he got chocolate milk due to the amount of chocolate that I've been eating.
The long weekend was very busy - on Good Friday we went to our old apartment at Teneriffe to join Roly & Pru and Bruce & Louise for lunch. Then on Saturday, Nick got to play Mr Mom for the day while I went to a Hen's (v. civilised - a life drawing class followed by lunch). I was apart from them for about 6 hours which is the longest time I have spent away from Ollie ever. It was also the first time I had been able to drink more than two glasses of wine in almost 12 months. Nick and Ollie had a great time hanging out together and Nick did a great job of giving him a number of feeds using a bottle.
On Sunday we had a BBQ with Rachel, Christian and Cyndee and then on Monday Chris and Kaye, who had just returned from New York, came to stay with us for the night (see piccie). I think they were very impressed with how much Ollie had grown since they last saw him when he was only about 2 weeks old. He gave out lots of those million dollar smiles of his and had them both wrapped around his tiny little fingers.
I've included pics of Ollie in two of his favourite toys at the moment. The first one his neglect-a-tron (thanks to Alan for the name). It is an electronic swing that I occasionally park in front of the telly. I don't like that Ollie is such a fan of TV, but there is one really funny cartoon called Shaun the Sheep that he particularly likes. His other toy is his red bumbo seat that allows him to sit up like a big boy.
On the sleep front - he continues to only need one feed between about 6pm and 6am. It is still anywhere between 11pm and 4am so one night I thought I'd be a bit sneaky and give him a feed just before I went to bed. But despite this he still woke up for a feed around 4am as well. So I've given up trying to dictate the feeds and I'm just going with whatever he wants. Given he has had a few nights when he feeds around 11pm and goes through to 6.30am, I think that is sleeping through the night in anyone's books.
The latest development is his silent laughing. I think he is just days away from laughing properly but when he finds something amusing (like when we play the buzzy bee song) he breaks out in this MASSIVE big grin and inhales. No sound comes out yet but it totally seems like he is laughing. I'll let you know when the real deal happens.
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