Well in the last post I mentioned that Ollie had a silent laugh going on. I predicted that it would only be a matter of days before we heard laughter and I was correct. On Saturday it finally happened. It wasn't a traditional laugh but there was a distinctive chuckle element to it. Unfortunately Nick was not witness to this but two of our friends who were present confirmed that I wasn't just imagining it. Luckily, the next afternoon it happened again and Nick was there. Since then we have heard a few more but I suspect that like the smiles, we will be trying hard to elicit laughs for a little while, but before we know it they will be coming thick and fast.
In other developments, Ollie is taking in everything that goes on around him now and is fascinated by the tiniest little thing. It can be quite a hassle, especially when feeding him as he gets distracted every minute or so and stops feeding to look around the room. This coupled with his absent minded punching or scratching of me is wearing a bit thin. But it is still pretty cute.
Last Friday evening Ollie accompanied Nick and I to his first wedding, of our friends Natasha and Tim. Ollie wasn't overly taken by the ceremony and Nick spent the entire time off in the distance keeping Ollie company. He wasn't too much better for the reception either. He napped a little in his pram but by the time we left later in the night he was still wide awake. Luckily he fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up until about 4am. You can see from the pic of Nick and Ollie that they both scrubbed up alright for the occasion, even if Ollie's tux is only printed on his t-shirt.
I've included a pic of Ollie enjoying tummy time. We do it all the time now and he is really quite impressive at it. When I take him anywhere I tend to plonk him on his tummy now with some toys to play with. He still cracks up after a little while but is just learning to roll onto his back when he is sick of it. I don't think he knows how to do it yet, but sometimes it accidentally happens and he looks half terrified and half impressed that he has done it.
We've had lots of activities and visitors again in the last week. Just yesterday we had Grandpa Peter and Aunty Em in the one day. Aunty Em (in the pic) took great delight in filling in for Nick to read our nightly chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. While Ollie normally enjoys Nick reading to him, he was particularly fascinated by Em and smiled for most of the time (before getting hysterical but this is pretty normal).
Check out the pic of the back of Ollie's head. He has had this dark patch of hair since he was born which is gradually falling out. It looks pretty funny at the moment as there is only a small bit of it left. We think it is a rats tail in the making. If it keeps growing I think I might plait it!
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