It has been a BIG week in the Dower household. Obviously the biggest deal around here was the footy grand final on Saturday. The three of us got decked out in all of our Cats regalia and nervously sat down to watch the game. Ollie got tuckered out from the stress of it all and had a nap for the second and third quarters but was up for the nail biting final quarter. Nick and I were both on the edge of our seats and trying not to sound like we had Tourette's. Fortunately Aunty Hayley helped to distract Ollie from the noise but in the end the sounds were those of victory and he didn't have to witness his parents sobbing!! Check out the pic of Ollie with us - he is totally eyeing off Nick's beer! We also shared the week with a visit from Grandpa Peter and a flying visit from Nanna Freddy and Poppy Mick - literally a flying visit as we went to see them for an hour at the airport on their way home from the Grand Final (lucky buggers). The pic of Mick shows Ollie doing his new f...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.