I just knew that as soon as we had cut one tooth the others wouldn't be far behind. Despite me sticking my fingers in Ollie's mouth at every opportunity it took Nick to tell me that the tooth next to his first one (front bottom left) was coming through. They are like little razors now. I have to keep inspecting the top of his mouth in case they come through without me even noticing.
As Nick was able to take Friday off work, we have had a lovely three day weekend. We started it off well with a family picnic to this fabulous river park nearby. It is absolute chaos on the weekends but on a weekday it is only mother's groups and the like with their youngins (as opposed to weekends where there are preteens splashing about and scaring all the olliebears). This was Ollie's third visit and, like the first two he cried when I put him in the water. But he really warmed up to it and took great delight in a shallow part where he rolled and swivelled around with no regard for the rough surface scratching on his tummy.
Earlier in the week things weren't quite as fun. Ollie has this week worked out how to pull himself up on things. It has been in the works for a while and he has been enjoying pulling himself with my assistance. But this week at Gymboree he pulled himself up by himself to fetch a ball and this gave him the confidence he needed to try it out at home. Not even an hour after we came home he tried this new skill out in his bedroom, trying to fetch a book from the shelf. I saw it in slow motion - he was on his knees, he reached out, grabbed the shelf and just as he tried to hoist himself up, he faceplanted into the shelf. Somehow he just managed to clip his forehead right on the sharp edge of the shelf and wham - instant mark. He screamed like immunisation pain and it took lots of cuddles to calm him down. Check out the pic of his eggy noggin. Luckily it didn't really come up too much and just left a tiny bruise.
I've included a pic of Ollie playing on the kitchen floor. I was cooking him some dinners (dhal - it was Ollie's first taste of lentils - and he lurved it!) when he woke up. I had to keep him entertained so I plonked him on the floor with a saucepan and a wooden spoon. He thought it was hilarious, banging and making lots of noise. It looked very much like photos of me of the same age, the only real difference being that in the late 70s the saucepans were nasty light aluminum ones which were easily lifted up. Poor Ollie is struggling to lift a fancy pants heavy based induction saucepan. But it still made for good drumming. Enjoy...
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