It has finally happened! After 9 months, Ollie's first tooth has made its appearance. It has been in the works for the last week or so but thankfully it has cut through the gum now and even though you can't really see it yet, there is a pretty sharp edge you can feel. Now, just for the next 19...
In another development which to me is right up there with the tooth, but I appreciate it may not be quite as exciting to anyone else, Ollie has worked out how to make the "mamama" sound. He mastered "dadadada" quite some time ago and has been trotting it out at every opportunity so I was pretty impressed when "mamamama" came along. Now we just need to work on "kitty".
Other than these milestones, the week has been a very busy one. We have had Nanna Freddy staying with us still which saw us set up a sweat shop in the end room to make Ollie some cute little outfits. We also had Aunty Alicia and Uncle Guy visit on Saturday afternoon. They were both impressed with how much Ollie had grown and particularly loved his "Nudey Streaker" run around the lounge on the way into his bath (Ollie's fave part of the day). This activity was repeated the next day for Aunty Emma, Hayley and Uncles Simon and Luke (yum - birthday flat meat).
With all this action, it is hardly surprising that the Family Dower has been struck down with a cold. As I type this Ollie is doing his best Darth Vader breathing impression and Nick and I are snuffling away. Hopefully we are all now on the mend.
Check out the cute pic of Ollie chowing down on some teppanyaki last week at the Coast. This boy will eat anything!
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