Saturday marked the big birthday celebration for O-bear and celebrate we certainly did.
The gifts had been steadily arriving in the post from the far flung relatives all week so Ollie was pretty adept at opening pressies on the big day. Here is a pic of him opening up some lovely presents bright and early.
We had a party in the park with a bunch of friends and family (including Pa Chris and Nanna Kaye who were staying with us and were a MASSIVE help making sandwiches and lugging stuff to the park in their teeny weeny little hire car). Nick and I couldn’t get over just how many small people we actually know. I had it in my head that it would just be our usual posse of friends with one or two littlies dotted around for good measure. But the tally was 16 small people. Craziness. All hyped up on fairy bread and soft drink.
The cake was an Olliebear of course. But in this picture the icing has already taken a beating and the candle is strangely back to front. But it was edible and nobody confused it for a tiger cake so I’ll take that one as a success.
Ollie “blowing out” the candle.
Here is a shot of Ollie’s pressie opening skills in action. He did have a little help from some of the bigger kids who have obviously honed their skills over a few years. This pressie is a cool big box of Duplo which I’ve actually put away for a while. Only because he just got so many presents that I figure I need to space them out until next Christmas rolls around. But do you think it would be wrong if I played with the Duplo at night when Ollie is asleep? Anyone who knew how obsessed I was with Lego when I was a kid will realise I am totally not joking.
Also check out his cool panda t-shirt that I printed for him to wear as pandas are the new ladybugs around here. Pity it got covered in cake, watermelon, dribble etc. Probably a sign of a good party.
Nick and I are planning birthday number two already. We are thinking perhaps an Ollie-Bear Grylls theme. Sheep eyeballs anyone?
One last picture of a very tired boy at the end of his 365th day.
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