As Ollie’s independence develops along with his walking, he is increasingly wanting to totter around on his own when we are out and about. Hence the monkey. It is effectively a leash for toddlers. Thankfully it looks a bit cute peeking out from over his shoulder.
We have had a pretty awful week with all three of us being struck down by an awful tummy bug that seems to be going around. So not too much on the social front to report. We did take Obear out for lunch on Saturday and Sunday. He is getting pretty good at sitting relatively peacefully at restaurants. I suspect that this time will be short-lived and it will only be a matter of time before the tantrum chucking takes over and the experience is not worth the bother. Better enjoy it while we can.
I’ve mentioned before how much we love the “That’s not my …” books, well Nanna Freddy took that as a personal challenge recently and bought a few back with her from her trip to NZ. While we were at the coast she managed to add a few more to the collection, bringing the grand total up to 15 now! Ollie just adores them and will go through them one by one until they cover him and he is essentially buried under his books. I think his favourite has to be the one about bears due to its quota of not one but two pandas.
Speaking of pandas, Ollie left his best friend Panda at Nanna Carmel’s house the other day. The next morning he was pointing to one of the pandas in his book insistently and looking around the room. We had to take a swift trip back to rescue Panda and are now seriously considering picking up a back up panda or two.
Lovely anecdote of the week: Ollie and I had a playdate across the road on Friday. Ollie disappeared for a few minutes with his little 3yo girlfriend and we thought nothing of it. Later on it was discovered that an entire roll of toilet paper had been unravelled. 3yo miss later on confessed that it had been Ollie and that she was with him, telling him not to laugh so loudly “otherwise our mummies will hear and come and stop us”!!!
My activity of the week was a 5k run with a friend of mine. Although the weather has been just awful here lately, the rain clouds parted just long enough to see us run in sunshine. It wasn’t the quickest time in the world but it was a great thing to do on a Sunday morning. Nick and Ollie came and cheered us along too.
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