Ollie’s vocabulary grows every single day. We counted it up recently and he has at least 50 words that he regularly uses. These range from the obvious (mummy, daddy, gus) to the culinary (toast, nana, juice, cheese) to transport (car, bus), and environmental (tree, outside, turkey). Of course he was always going to be a jibber jabberer with Nick and I for parents. But this week he has been saying something I’m not such a big fan of - “NO WAY”. I was over at a friend’s house the other day lamenting about this new phrase and saying that it must have been something that he had picked up at daycare, when she pointed out that I apparently say this ALL THE TIME! To which I, of course, replied “NO WAY!”. I guess I had better watch what I say a little bit more, although it could have been much uglier than that! Unfortunately OBear hasn’t been in the best form in the last week. We have been talking about these new teeth coming through for absolutely ...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.