As a real little boy, Ollie is a big fan of anything that moves fast so it isn't a great shock that we would be hearing "ready setty go!" a fair bit as he launches himself down the hallway, off the couch or around the yard. But this week it has evolved with the addition of his favourite day of the week - as in "ready, Saturday, GO!". I love it. A great cheer for the weekend!
This is B showing off his belated addition to Movember, wearing Mr Potato Head's moustache.
Perhaps not the most glamourous of shots but kind of funny. It might look like he was hooking into his dinner but this mealtime saw at least two trips to the naughty corner. Sometimes it is just too traumatic for both of us. I may have even let him watch Dora the next night during dinner to avoid the drama. Worked like a treat.
Delightful moment of the week? When Ollie waved to me from his bike declaring that he would "be right back" and that he was going to the shop to get groceries. I asked him what groceries and he rattled off such staples as bread, cereal, milk and cake (of course). He has also been dazzling me with his counting up to nine. The only problem is that he completely leaves out one, so it just goes "two, three, four etc." . Oh well, we can teach him one down the track.
And finally, here comes spiderman! Ollie rediscovered his super cool spidey cape on the weekend when we were going through all of his toys to make room for the inevitable bounty that Santa will be dropping off this week. We are all getting so excited, especially Ollie who keeps declaring that Christmas trees are where "Santa brings the presents". Good to see he has figured out the real meaning of Christmas.
Next week, photos of the festival of Ollie, I mean Christmas. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and we hope to catch up with everyone in the near future.
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