Life has been pretty busy around here in the last week. Between trying to kick off a new little business (if you haven't already done so, check it out at, chasing around an increasingly opinionated little boy and trying to cram as many social events as we can into our last few weeks as a known quantity - you could definitely say it has been hectic.
One of the many activities I have had on was a lovely baby shower thrown for me by my lovely Sam & Rachel. It was a nice chance to catch up with a few friends without having to worry about chasing small children around and actually having some adult conversation. I was quite spoilt with lovely gifts too which was very kind - most of them for the baby (I had no idea they made such cute and tiny little girly shoes) but a few decadent ones for me too. Ollie didn't miss out on all the fun though, having Audrey and Henry around for a playdate with the daddies looking after them. The house was surprisingly unscathed when I returned. Another gift.

Another activity we had over the weekend was a visit to the Teneriffe Festival. I'd love to show you photos of it but there seems to have been some technical mix up and I can't find the pics on my camera anywhere, despite having seen them on there. Perhaps some imagination is needed? It was a beautiful, sunny winters day, Ollie looked incredibly cute (and a bit cheeky with his "New Farm boys and West End girls" shirt), there were heaps of people around, lots of balloons, noise etc. The highlight for Ollie was probably the petting zoo - he has now been to two in the last week. The animals in this one were a little bigger though and Ollie was understandably a little more apprehensive than with the teeny, midget goats the week before.
And while it was nice to go back for a visit to Teneriffe, it definitely made us even more confident in our decision to live where we currently do rather than back over there. Especially when we sat down at one of the restaurants and the waitstaff looked at us like we were lepers for bringing a toddler!!

This week at daycare is dress up week so we have had two days of racking our brains to fashion some kind of costume that didn't really cost anything, involve any danger to Ollie or the other kids and wasn't likely to get completely destroyed through the course of the day. I'm not kidding about the danger either - I totally vetoed any superhero type costume because I could just see Ollie testing out his super skills jumping from the play equipment. And then there was the dinosaur mask that was ruled out because wearing it makes Ollie turn into a ferocious, growling beast (oh, and it acts as blinkers on his eyes too, that might have been a bit dangerous too).
So we settled on a simple bunny for the first day. Nothing some bunny ears and a bit of my make-up couldn't do.

I had to get a bit more creative on the second day and sent him off as a construction worker. He even had his little plastic wrench, t-square, saw and file. He was pretty miffed that he didn't have a hammer but it is probably for the best. But upon arriving at daycare he was descended upon by what can only be described as a swarm of other little boys who were eyeing off his tools. They all wanted to "share" them, which of course made Ollie pretty upset so I made an executive decision to take them home with me, leaving him only with his hard hat. There were lots of tears and it took about 20 minutes for me to get out of there today but he ended up having a great day and was even happier to get his tools back when I picked him up later in the day.

Favourite trick this week? Walking backwards. I only condone this activity if he is holding my hand and it is definitely, definitely not to be done up or down the staircase, despite Ollie's repeated requests to.

Only three weeks left now until we meet our little girl. I'm definitely keen for this time to fly from a physical point of view (you have no idea how little sleep I am getting. Oh the irony) but having been through this before we know that it will be quite some time before life is some kind of normal again. Nonetheless we are all very excited and can't wait to start the next crazy chapter in this little family.
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