Sleep. It's one of those things that you don't really give much thought to until you're not getting enough of it.
I've always been a pretty big fan of sleep. Often coupled with a doozy of a hangover I could easily sleep away the first half of the day. When pregnant with Ollie (& definitely not nursing any hangovers!) I would think nothing of going to bed at 6pm and sleeping all the way through. But those days are definitely just a distant memory now.
Now I'm not going to tell you that my little sweet peas aren't good sleepers. Because in general they are. But sometimes the wheels just fall off. And that my dear readers is what is happening at the moment.
But in the spirit of sharing, it is pretty unusual for them both to put me through my paces in the same night. No, they must have some unspoken roster for which night they want to give me grief. Or Evie will take the daytime naps and Ol will wake up five times in the night.
And they are quite simply wearing me down. I'm dreaming (when I actually get to sleep!!!) of a nice clean hotel room with super soft cloud-like linen and a blissful night of completely uninterrupted sleep. No crazy ninja like reflexes keeping me on edge waiting for one of the little dictators to summons me from my slumber.
I can't see this happening any time soon. So until the night when I can sleep in a total state of relaxation finally comes along I will simply keep searching for the perfect under eye concealer.
Things have been pretty hectic around here of late, in a lovely way. Lots of visitors. The first round was a quick visit from Aunty Alicia and Uncle Guy who came to show off Alicia's new engagement bling and to fill us all in on the wedding plans. And with all of my babies (including Nick!) featuring in the festivities I just can't wait for it to roll around.
We have also had Pa & Nanna Kaye here from NY/Victoria which is always fabulous. Especially for Ol who gets to go to the park every morning when they go on their walk. But it has also been a very busy visit for them as, inspired by the new paint job, they are making lots of other little improvements to the house which is terribly exciting for all of us.
In more family excitement, we had the return of Aunty Emma from her big trip to South America as well as Nanna Carmel's birthday. This saw all of the Brisbane based Aunties and Uncles catching up along with baby cousin Alexander. Alex and Evie are so close in age that it is quite lovely to see them playing together. Although Eve is clearly the bossy boots and thinks nothing of taking a toy off him or clambering over him. Obviously she has taken in her brother's style. Poor Alex looks suitably horrified at her but with a new sibling for him in the new year it won't be long until he starts wearing the bossy pants too.
Favourite activity this week? Playing on the kitchen floor with the plastic and metal plates which make brilliant noisy drums. But I really shouldn't be encouraging Evie into the kitchen at the moment as she is just pulling herself up on everything she can and I can't help but think the hardest floor surface in the house probably isn't the smartest choice.
And here you can see more of her standing action. Each nap/sleep requires at least a lap around the cot standing up. She tires herself out quite a bit and I've even caught her fast asleep sitting up with her little face against the bars.
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