I promised I'd give you a peek at our daddy's day around here. I tried to do a little photo shoot of the kid's feet that spelt out "we love (heart) daddy". Unfortunately Eve wasn't having a bar of that posy kind of stuff. In the end this photo of O's feet was the best I could get.
This ended up as the cover of a card we made up. Inside was a gorgeous drawing that Ol had done of Nick as well as the answers to some questions I had asked him about his daddy. I especially love that Nick's favourite colours and food just happen to be the same as Ollie's!
The kiddos are really starting to play nicely together (except when they don't - because sometimes they really don't!!!). Evie is especially loving lego (well, duplo) and is often found standing at the lego table trying to connect blocks or destroying already made buildings. Hence Saturday morning lego has made a real comeback around here with the three of them often huddled around the table trying to build/destroy/drool on some kind of construction.
Big news. Not first steps though as those seem to still be a while off. But first babycino!!!! I'm not sure if it is going to usurp vanilla milkshakes as Eve's drink of choice but after her first taste of Ol's cino the other morning she was totally hooked. Naturally Nick had to make her one of her own so now we have two little cino lovers seated at the breakfast bar on weekend mornings.
These pics show the messiness that inevitably follows a cino festival.
She also LOVED an ice-cream cone the other day. Ol on the other hand turned his nose up at it. And funnily enough had done the same the day before at dreadful McDonalds. We had been to a local festival which was super awesome as all of Ol's friends were there and they got to tear around and jump off stages, and roll their own lamingtons! Crazy fun stuff when you are three. Afterwards we let the kiddos have dinner at McDonalds, being Eve's first official meal there. She made surprisingly good efforts toward destroying a happy meal, demolishing no less than five nuggets and far too many chips. But afterwards I attempted to bargain my way out of a trip to the playground by saying to Ol that he could either have an ice-cream or a play in the playground. He chose the playground. I was shocked. So were the other diners who witnessed Ollie (wearing a cute dragon hat) chucking a near tantrum at the counter shouting out "I don't want an ice-cream. don't make me have an ice-cream". Hilarious stuff. But Ol was pretty happy by the end of it all when he realised that two happy meals equals two toys. Score!!
Evie's cute tricks of late? Well she is cruising nicely around the furniture and standing up on her own for a few seconds here and there. But the cutest things she is doing is holding toy phones up to her ears and saying "haaaaa" (kind of like "hi", kind of). And my favourite. Getting her toy handbags (she now has two!) and putting it up on her arm, getting a HUGE smile on her face and then crawling off with her handbag on her arm. Super cute. Total Pyke girl this one.
And here are my three lovely ones having a bit of a zonked out moment on the couch in front of the TV. It was late in the day and everyone was a bit cranky. So the answer? Playschool. I love you ABC2!!!!
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